God, Yoga, and The Connection

I grew up in the church, and I have always been big in my faith.  Not to say that it hasn’t wavered from time to time or that it has been easy.  I experienced trauma as a teenager that I pushed down into my body, because I didn’t know what to do with it or how to handle it.  So, I just moved on with my life. I…

Enzo Races in the Rain

Armor of God Meditation

Why Yoga?

First, let me tell you a story about my daddy (yes, even a 37-year-old can still call her father “daddy”). Years ago, I saved a voicemail from him that said, “Hey, Char! I was wondering if you want to go on another adventure with me.” What was he actually asking? He was asking me to come to Dallas for yet another round of treatment, testing, and/or a…

My First Live, Holy Yoga Flow (Episode 1)

My first live class! An intro to Holy Yoga. Have courage & do it scared! This video is my first ever recording of a yoga class!  I was terrified and oh so scared.  Seriously.  It took a lot of courage, and I decided I would just have to do it scared…and I did.  So, please let this be a reminder to you, that you can walk into the scary…

Breath and Asana

Our next steps will be looking at breath work along with meditation, postures, and poses.  Don’t worry!  This section is shorter than the last.  😉 First, we’ll look at the breath.  In yoga, the breath is said to carry a person’s life force and is referred to as Pranayama. “Prana” means life force or breath sustaining the body “Ayama” translates as “to extend or draw out.” So, when…

What is Yoga

Are you ready? I am, and thanks for joining me. 😊 We’ll start this adventure with learning what yoga is and is not. Yoga is a discipline that includes breath control/breathing exercises, meditation/prayer, and body postures/poses that promote physical and mental health, mental clarity, healing, and stress relief. Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word meaning, “union or to yoke,” and was developed approximately 5000 years ago. Wikipedia…